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Posts from the ‘Shaklee Awareness’ Category


Cesarean (C-section) Birth

This 3D medical animation shows the common indications for a cesarean delivery, including dystocia, placenta previa, fetal distress and multiple births. A cesarean section (c-section) surgery to deliver a baby in frank breech (feet first) position is also shown. During the procedure, the surgeon (usually an obstetrician/gynecologist, i.e. ob/gyn) makes an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus in order to deliver the baby. The animation also includes information on what to expect before and after the surgery.



Ovulation is the part of the menstrual cycle where the ovary releases an egg to be fertilized during conception, or sloughed off during a woman’s period. This 3D medical animation depicts in exquisite detail: follicle development within the ovary, the movement of the fimbriae over the ovulation site before ovulation, the bursting of the egg from the ovary in a rush of fluid, delicate quality of the ciliated fimbriae and its movement to pick up the egg after ovulation, peristalsis of the fallopian tube to move the egg toward the uterus. Ovulation must take place in order for a woman to get pregnant, preceding the meeting of the male sperm during fertilization.



This 3D animation features the anatomy and physiology of the female breast and demonstrates the basic breastfeeding procedure. An overview of the roles of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin in milk production, along with the four basic breastfeeding positions, which include the cradle hold position, side-lying position, cross-cradle hold and football hold, are also highlighted.


Fertilization (Conception)

This 3D medical animation shows human fertilization, also known as conception. Fertilization is the epic story of a single sperm facing incredible odds to unite with an egg and form a new human life. The sperm’s journey is visualized with rich detail and narrative to convey a fresh understanding of a classic physiological tale.

This medical animation portrays the process of human fertilization. Shown at a cellular level magnification, sperm struggle through many obstacles in the female reproductive tract to reach the egg. Visualized at the molecular level, genetic material from the egg and a single sperm combines to form a new human being.


Vaginal Birth: Baby CROWNING!

This animation shows labor and delivery followed by vaginal birth. It includes the three stages of labor: early and active labor when your baby pushes lower into your pelvis, delivery when your baby exits the birth canal, and finally delivery of the placenta when your placenta separates from the uterine wall.


Anti-Diabetes Potential Seen for Resveratrol

Daily supplements of resveratrol may improve how the human body responds to insulin, the hormone responsible for sugar and fat metabolism, Hungarian researchers report for the first time.

According to findings published in the British Journal of Nutrition, a daily 10 mg dose of resveratrol was associated with reductions in insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics.

“Whether resveratrol (or some of its future derivatives) becomes a useful tool in combating type 2 diabetes is difficult to tell, although the fact that recent studies (including the present study) have demonstrated that the efficacy of resveratrol at low doses might increase the possibility for its medicinal application,” report the researchers from the University of Pecs.  Read more »


What is Collagen?


Info l Energizing Soy Protein (ESP)

Click Here Please ->  Product Info ESP



Shaklee l Clinical Research Program

A Resveratrol and Polyphenol Preparation Suppresses Oxidative and Inflammatory Stress Response to a High-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Meal

Husam Ghanim, Chang Ling Sia, Kelly Korzeniewski, Teekam Lohano, Sanaa Abuaysheh, Anuritha Marumganti, Ajay Chaudhuri and Paresh Dandona

Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, State University of New York at Buffalo, and Kaleida Health, Buffalo, New York 14209

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Why Supplement ?

Poor nutritional habits are becoming a national epidemic. But you are in control. Countless studies show nutritional supplementation can positively affect your health. Watch this video as it tells you why we need a supplement…